Career Outlets

A thematic Master on Social and Cultural Psychology is a powerful degree, because it can be used to work in many different fields. All career outlets that are open to social psychologists will also be available to Global-MINDS graduates, yet broadened to areas in which cultural competence is required. Global-MINDS is designed to match the growing social need for initial and advanced training of professionals in all areas of society where specific knowledge regarding the complexity of interactions among people of different cultures, ethnicities and social groups is necessary. The Psychology Student Employability Guide notes that there is a need for graduates to ensure that they are equipped to work in a global marketplace. Developing intercultural competence contributes to making graduates more marketable; and research suggests that graduates with international study experience have an employment advantage. According to the Bureau of Labour Statistics, social psychologists in the private sector will continue to be in demand as societies become more and more diverse and continue to tackle issues of race, religion, and the like.


Global-MINDS graduates employment opportunities 


  • Business organisations (e.g., in Human Resources Management, international management and administration, International Marketing),
  • Communities (e.g., evaluation of diversity programmes in the community);
    the Health sector (e.g., dealing with health disparities, cultural health beliefs and communication barriers for migrants);
  • NGOs (see, for example the Psychology Coalition at the United Nations);
  • The media;
  • Public Relations;
  • Education (e.g., in schools regarding diversity);
  • Development and International Agencies (e.g., as humanitarian aid workers);
  • Government (e.g., in Public Policy) and local authorities (e.g., dealing with migration related issues at a local level);
  • Intergovernmental Organisations (e.g., UNESCO);
  • Research (within and outside academia);
  • Diplomacy and Foreign Relations;
  • Counselling, Cultural Consultancy, Cultural Training and Cultural Mediation and Negotiation.

There is a general trend for both employers and employees to favour Master over Bachelor degrees as a result of the Bologna process and the consequent changes in curricular structures. In many countries, graduates cannot work as a psychologist without a master degree. Hence, Global-MINDS significantly improves students´ employment opportunities.

Some alumni from the Global-MINDS programme have continued on to PhD programmes, while others are working as university lecturers, human resources professionals for governmental agencies and corporations, and project coordinators and research associates in NGOs and on academic research projects.