Special Needs

Additional Financial Support for Inclusive Mobility

Financial Supports are available for Special Needs for Erasmus Mundus programs. This additional funding is available for participants with physical, mental or health-related conditions to offset the specific difficulties such as adapted accommodation, travel assistance, medical attendance, supportive equipment, the adaptation of learning material, and an accompanying person for students with disabilities.

You can find more information here and here

In order to process special needs funding, the student has to communicate with the Global-MINDS European Coordination team (Global.MINDS@ul.ie) and the Disability Services Office at the University of Limerick. When you reach out to the European Coordination team, please DON’T send the following documents to the European Coordination team (due to GDPR rules).

The European coordination team will put you in touch with the respective person at the Disability Services Office at the University of Limerick. The following documents will be needed from your contact person at the Disability Services Office at the University of Limerick:

  • a signed funding request with a list of special needs items and/or services and their costs (e.g. “medication”, “equipment”, “additional services” etc.);
  •  a signed declaration that special needs funding costs are needed and that their participation in the program would not be possible without the special needs items or services;
  •  certification by a competent national authority of the long-term impairment;
  •  a signed declaration the special needs items or services were not already covered from another source.

The additional supports allocated under the Erasmus Mundus grant will cover the individual needs of enrolled students, and will range according to the following special needs unit costs:

(a) € 3 000 (b) € 4 500 (c) € 6 000 (d) € 9 500 (e) € 13 000 (f) € 18 500 (g) € 27 500 (h) € 35 500 (i) € 47 500 (j) € 60 000

These are calculated for the duration of the whole two years of the program!

The applicable unit cost will be identified as the rate corresponding to or immediately lower than the estimated expenses. This unit cost is a contribution, and is not intended to fully cover the actual costs.

After the consultations with the Disability Services Office at the University of Limerick, the student should communicate these calculations/the relevant cost category (based on the documentation above) to the European Coordination team.

In accordance to GDPR, these records regarding what type of items/services are needed are kept confidential by the Disability Services Office.