
The Global Minds Association

The Global Minds Association (GMA) was established on the 28th of May 2021 as a collective initiated by alumni of the first three cohorts of Global MINDS. Despite being independent of Global MINDS, GMA is committed to continuing the work in global mobility, diversity, and inclusion. The main goal of GMA is to create a sustainable positive social change based on interdisciplinary research and collaboration through a network of global advocacy for equality, inclusion, and solidarity in society.



GMA is organised by and for members in fours committees: project management and development, communications, finances, outreach and volunteers. Together these committees work in unison to develop projects and initiatives to tackle complex but pressing societal issues. These initiatives aim to bring a much-needed social change while building a sense of community between GMA members and building partnerships with like-minded people and organisations.

GMA actively believes in collaboration and co-creation. GMA is intended not only for Global MINDS students but also for anyone that shares our mission and values.



“To create a sustainable positive social change based on interdisciplinary research and collaboration through a network of global advocacy for equality, inclusion, and solidarity in society.”



Is to create an inclusive and just global societyā€¯ in which the diversities of humankind are valued and in which social justice, tolerance, solidarity, and peace are nurtured through mutual respect, collaboration, equity, and appreciation.



Interested in becoming a member? Contact us at for more details.

Ivan E. Lopez

Ivan E. Lopez

Head of the Global-Minds Association

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